An extensive examination of data structures in .NET

Check out this great article by Scott Mitchell regarding data structures in .NET 2.0.  It’s a six-part series that pretty much covers all that you’ll need to know.

It goes like this:

Part 1: An Introduction to Data Structures
Part 2: The Queue, Stack, and Hashtable
Part 3: Binary Trees and BSTs
Part 4: Building a Better Binary Search Tree
Part 5: From Trees to Graphs
Part 6: Efficiently Representing Sets

Enjoy!  \m/


Ten must-have tools every developer should download

Here’s an excellent article by James Avery discussing the must-have tools every developer should have in their toolbox arsenal.  Just to summarize:

  • NUnit to write unit tests
  • NDoc to create code documentation
  • NAnt to build your solutions
  • CodeSmith to generate code
  • FxCop to police your code
  • Snippet Compiler to compile small bits of code
  • Two different switcher tools, the ASP.NET Version Switcher and the Visual Studio .NET Project Converter
  • Regulator to build regular expressions
  • .NET Reflector to examine assemblies
